Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 1 prompt.

Hey guys, my name is William. So far the topic I am most interested about for debating is WHICH BASKETBALL PLAYER IS BETTER, KOBE BRYANT OR LEBRON JAMES? I chose this because personally my favorite sport is basketball, and I am interested in hearing people's opinion about the two basketball stars.
2. I think the debate is ok, not the best I have seen. I felt the strongest argument in this debate is that the media have to show people the horrors of war. This will show people how cruel is war and be scared about it.I felt that the weakest argument is the one that said that showing pictures of the horrors of war is pure evil.


  1. ummm...well they're both really good basketball players but because i've watched kobe bryant more, i would say he's better. (TO ME!) :D

  2. Kobe FO SHO'! :D
    cuz I like how he's so driven.
    MVP~ YAYa! LOL
