Thursday, July 22, 2010

WEEK 5: Freedom to Choose

Terminally Ill Patients Should Have Access to Experimental Drugs

From cancer to AIDS, terminally ill patients around the world are suffering from these horrible diseases. Scientist attempt to seek a solution to cure these terminal diseases.
While you fall closer to your death, you feel desperate to find an answer. What can you do? Obviously, if something doesn't work, find a new solution. A standard treatment for cancer may have not work on a patient, but a new medication could possibly work. Although, some of these unproven medications have not been put onto terminally ill patients because these drugs must be approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration. So, if the FDA do not approve it, the drug will be illegal to use. But, this is not very effective, so I
 think we should change the status quo and let terminally ill patients have access. It's their choice if they want to try out something. If the patient were to die using the drug, they would die anyways. Scientist theoretically found the solution in laboratories, but they haven't tested it in real life. Also, they study the possible outcomes and would have an idea what would happen. But, the law and the FDA should restrict terminally ill patients from their choice whether they wanted to risk it. People have the right to choose if they want to try the new drug. In the long run, if the new experimental doesn't work, then they would die imminently.  But, if the potentially effective drug were to work, the patient made the best decision to find a new solution to his terminally ill disease. I would like to propose that we would allow terminally ill patients to take experimental drugs of their choice.

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