Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week Two

I watched the Story and Stuff Video clip.

Many things caught my attention especially the section on toxic. An example they gave was the pillows in neurotoxin. Pillows are made and dumped in neurotoxin, a toxin detrimental to our BRAIN! We then buy these pillows and sleep on them for several hours! I was also really surprised how all these insecurities of our economy came from Eisenhower's advisor. He had said that we needed to change our land to becoming a land of consumer goods! What do we do now because of that? Most of our lives revolve around work, work, and more work. We barely have any time for leisure time and when we do have leisure time, what do we do? Watch television or go SHOP. Our minds are manipulated by the commercials we watch, and then we go buy the articles they try to sell.

I must admit that i was surprised, but only to an extent. Its no surprise that all the trash we are buying are leading to the downfall of our global cleanliness (not that there was much to start with these past years) and our economy.

This made me realize how much consumers goods are produced and consumed every year. 2,000 trees a minute are being cut down as you read this! 1/3 of our natural resources are disappearing. We do consume WAY TOO MUCH!!!
I agree with what i saw. We need to change the world... literally! Recycling goods are helping; however its not that effective. Only 1% of every is recycled and used; this means that 99% is trashed in six months. This is TWO TIMES the amount fifty years ago.

Point 1: Reduce the amount of toxic used in consumer goods.
Argument 1: Too much toxic is used.
Evidence 1: Toxic is even found in our pillows!
Point 2: Don't burn our trash.
Argument 2: Burning our trash will create worse toxin.
Evidence 2: Dioxin is the worst toxin in our atmosphere. AND it is man-made!
Point 3: Everyone along the linear system of extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal, need to contribute.
Argument 3: Recycling isn't enough. We need to achieve a state of sustainability and equity.
Evidence 3: Only 1% of everything is recycled. This means that 99% of trash are wasted and good for nothing but bad things.
This caught my attention... Esp. because of the jelly beans. haha jk :P

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