ok so my opinion on this topic is that patients SHOULD BE ALLOWED to refuse treatment on the basis of religion because everyone has the RIGHT TO CHOOSE what they want to do with their life. There may be limited choices at times but there is ALWAYS a choice. If a patient WANTED to be treated then that's a completely different matter. But what if a patient didn't want to be treated because it meant that he/she would be going back on his/her faith? Then I believe that that patient should be given the right to make a decision for his/herself. No one should be FORCED to accept treatments. People should be able to decide what happens to their own body, unless it's a unique situation like if that patient has mental problems or is the only parent of several children...etc. Otherwise, I believe that all patients have the right to refuse medical treatment on religious grounds.
All three of these topics are tied to one BIG topic, THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE. It shouldn't be required for these Catholic institutions to provide birth control or for these patients to not be allowed to refuse treatment. All these things should be voluntary not mandatory.
Yes! That's a great way to put it. :) They SHOULD be voluntary, not mandatory. RIGHT TO CHOOSE!!! (: Yeah, no one should be forced to do something they don't want to do. That's totally unfair!