Should NASA send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
week 6
Should NASA send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030?
T^T awww soo saad ;(
The shopping problem
Week 6
I chose this topic because smoking is the cause of many deaths every year, and I find it uncomfortable when I go to some public place and there are people smoking, making the air around them smell like smoke. Smoking has both a negative effect on the smoker and people that are around them.
Something Else (:
Week 6
For this week's persuasive speech, I decided to pick this topic.
I believe that any religious clothing shouldn't be banned at school.
I read somewhere that a Muslim girl was allowed to wear a burka at school, however, a christian girl was told to remove her chastity symbol. Then, I thought...
"Is this fair?"
Soo... This is why I decided to give my speech on this topic.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Week 7 Debate Topics
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Week 6 Prompt
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Terminally Ill patients should have access to experimental drugs
Week 5
By not using a condom, sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, HIV, STDS, or etc. can spread to other people.
If a couple doesn't want any children or more because they are poor then they should use them too.
Besides, most Catholics aren't even obeying the ban. In 2002 there was a study that said about 80% to 90% of Catholics are using a type of birth control. If a lot of them aren't following the ban it's better off allowing all Catholics to use them.

week 5???
Allow Terminally ill Patients access to experimental days

WEEK 5: Freedom to Choose
Terminally Ill Patients Should Have Access to Experimental Drugs
Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables D:
At school, everyone learns about the food pyramid. We should all have plenty of fruits and vegetables to help us balance our diet. However, it has now been found that there are many pesticides used in fruits and vegetables (some contain traces of over 10 different types of pesticides!). Scientific studies have also shown that pesticides in fruits and vegetables may cause ADHD!
Week 5
America. The land of the free? We have the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, press.. what happened to the right to try to save one's life?
What if you had a fatal disease and were dying? Every second you became weaker, experience more pain, and lose control of more of your body? There aren't any approved drug or any other treatment that could possibly save your life. Would you rather face a painful death, or try new treatments? If you were facing a life/death situation, it wouldn't be very difficult to choose to experiment. If the new drug works, you live. If it doesn't work, you meet your already determined fate, death. Why not try something if there's a chance of saving your life? It would be worse to not experiment while you can-don't regret anything.
Why shouldn't patients be allowed to choose if they try an experimental drug or not? We have the right to life, yet we can't choose what happens to our bodies? Everyone should have the right to try to save their own life, even if it means trying a drug that hasn't been tested sufficiently yet. There can't be a negative outcome, because even if the drug fails to work and the patient dies, the death was inevitable anyways, and the person could die knowing that he or she did everything possible. Scientists would also know that the drug wasn't effective and could think of new ideas for more drugs that could work. Terminally ill patients should have access to experimental drugs.
week 5 :]

Week 5
First of all, Catholic Institutions have always been against birth control. In 1968, Pope Paul VI pointed out that for 2,000 years, the church has been against birth control. Drastic changes weren't called for and cannot be accepted. Sex isn't for pleasure, it is for creating a family. If sex wasn't for creating a family, then it would be for pleasure without responsibility. Men would see women as an object of pleasure. This would lead to increasing numbers of rape, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. God created sex to create children, not just pleasure. Birth control isn't for creating a family; birth control is for people who do sex for pleasure. If Catholic Institutions allowed birth control, they would be encouraging sex for pleasure. This is why Catholic Institutions are against birth control. No one can FORCE them to do something they are against.
Secondly, Catholic Institutions view having birth control as a sin. An example of how birth control is a sin is found in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. A man, named Onan, slept with a woman and purposely avoided getting her pregnant. He knew that the children would not rightfully be his; therefore, he pulled away. The Lord saw this as wrong and so Onan was killed for his sin. If birth control was seen as sin, then why should Catholic Institutions be required to do something they think is wrong? Why should they be FORCED to commit sin?
These both tie into a bigger category. They have the right to choose. Choice means the liberty or right to choose; option. Required means needed; demanded as essential or obligatory. They shouldn't be required to do something when they have the right to choose whether or not they want to do it.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Week 5 Prompt
Thursday, July 15, 2010
week four...awww

Week 4 prompt

Does Gravity Really Exist??
I found this article and it really caught my eye because we all accept what we are taught in school, including universal ideas and laws such as the laws of gravity. Apparently, some scientist at the University of Amsterdam argues this idea, saying that gravity doesn't exist. Here's the link!:
Week 4
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an ongoing one between Israelis and Palestinians. It is part of the larger Arab-Israeli conflict in which Arabs of the Middle East and the Jewish of Israel fight over territory they each claim for itself. This conflict is over mutual recognition (between the Palestinians and the Israelites), security, water rights, and control of Jerusalem (especially between the Jewish and Muslim communities). The dispute is so severe that violence resulting from it has caused an awareness and intervention at the international level, and security and human rights concerns (within and between both sides, and internationally).
Parts of Palestine are within Israel, so this makes the conflict especially difficult to solve. Many attempts have been made to settle the dispute, and the solution that is preferred most by both the Israelis and Palestinians is the two-state solution which would create an independent Palestinian state alongside an independent Jewish state or next to the State of Israel.
To settle this conflict will not be easy to do. The Israeli political leaders have suggested several solutions and offers, but they were all rejected by the Palestinian leaders, who haven't made any counter-offers. It is hard to come up with a solution when only party in the conflict is trying to come up with solutions. I don't think that there will be a solution to the problem, at least in the near future.
Week 4 :]

Palestinians in Israel
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Week 4
The Basques are the oldest ethnic group in Europe. Their homeland is known as Euzkadi. They live in northern Spain along the Bay of Biscay, adjacent areas of southern France, and the western Pyrennes Mountains. Their culture is traditional and rural. This creates a conflict with the modern and urban Spanish culture that's associated with industrialization. The main conflict is that the Basques want independence from Spain.
During Dictator General Franco's regime (1939-1975), expressions of Basque national identity were banned. In 1959, a Basque separatist movement emerged called Euskadi Ta Aaskatasuna, or ETA. In 1968, a faction emerged parallel to the separatist movement called ETA-Militar, or ETA-M. This group resorted to an armed struggle for independence. They mainly target national and regional officials and government buildings.
Throughout the years, many suspected ETA members were arrested and/or killed. Although there were many talks of peace settlements, etc, none took place; therefore, the conflict goes on.
Even to this day, ETA movements can be seen in Europe. Recently, in France, a policeman was shot and killed near Paris; this was the first French police officer killed by ETA. Ten ETA members are suspected. Last Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkosy promised to hunt down the group of suspected militants of ETA. He warned that they "will be mercilessly pursued."
I believe that it wasn't right for Dictator Franco to have banned expressions of the Basques. He was just inviting trouble to come. In fact, it did. Because of him, now there are major ETA versus Europe problems. However, I did not think it was right for ETA to come back with ETA-Militar and make war; they made the problem worse by adding violence to the boiling pot. There can be a solution to this problem, although, anything thought of would be hard to put into place if both sides didn't cooperate. They would have to be ready for a compromise or negotiation. They are both scared of the other group in a way because of what they can each do to the other. In that sense, a compromise or negotiation would be hard. However, it is not
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Prompt Week 4
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Midterm Study Guide
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Debate Topics Week 4
Week 3 :]

Today, the Bill of Rights is still necessary. It guarantees certain rights to all individuals without having the government violate it.
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense."
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Week 3

Week 3
All of the amendments are necessary today. Without them, our country would be in chaos. One of the amendments is the fourth amendment. In this amendment, we are protected from unreasonable searches and seizures.
How would you like it if someone ran into your house to search it just because they suspect you of something? It wouldnt be very fair, especially if you didn't do anything. They would also have ruined your privacy. With the fourth amendment, many unnecessary searchings, such as these, are prevented.
Your house can only be searched if it is issued by the government and there is a warrant present.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Week 3
The United States, from the first day of its existence, has been a democracy, ruled by the people and social equality for all. For the nation to be a democracy, the people of the nation need rights to make sure that the government won't have too much power. The freedom of religion originated mainly when immigrants came to this country to escape religious persecution, and this has been an important part of the United States. The freedom of speech, press, and petition allow people to let the government know of their opinions so that it will be a country with laws that the majority would agree to. If these freedoms weren't given to us, the United States would soon turn into one with despotic rule, and this wouldn't be much different from when the country was under the rule of the British. That's why the first amendment is important to this country today. :)