Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
HAY PPL!!! i was online and i came across this site which i thought was really awsome becasue it address those who play farmville :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Final Week!
Hi Guys
So here's the deal. The motion WILL BE- THW powershare with the Taliban.
Make sure you research because we will debate on Friday.
For your blog, please write about your favorite activity/debate of this semester. Tell me what made it enjoyable, or the various aspects you liked about it. Conversely, tell me your least favorite also.
Good luck
Ms. Krissy
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Oil Problems in the Middle East
We are constantly wanting the most important resource in the world. Oil. Since the Middle East has so much oil, countries such as America want that precious resource. So they are willing to do anything to get it, even supporting dictators. Some parts of the Middle East that mine oil support terrorism. As you can see, that is a big problem. Were actually supporting terrorists financially!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Week 9 Prompt
Hi Guys,
Almost done! This week I want you to blog about the news again, but pick a story that is directly related to the Middle East. This will require a little research to understand the situation and be able to explain it. Good luck guys!
Ms. Krissy
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Week 8
Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Doctors used genetically engineered herpes virus to treat some paitents with cancer. I think it's good to know that they actually found virus to fight cancer. It's important because after finding out about that, they can use it for other people that need treatment.
Doctors used genetically engineered herpes virus to treat some paitents with cancer. I think it's good to know that they actually found virus to fight cancer. It's important because after finding out about that, they can use it for other people that need treatment.
WEEK 8...? '~'
US judge overturns California same-sex marriage ban
A U.S. federal judge overturned California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. The judge believed that it unconstitutionally discriminated gay and lesbian couples. The state measure, Proposition 8, was passed by voters in 2008 by a vote of 52% to 48%. It banned same-sex marriages and its backers intend to appeal against the court's ruling. The implications of this case go far beyond California, its end result will most likely be decided by the Supreme Court and will affect all Americans.
I think that same-sex marriage should be banned because marriage has always been a traditional union between man and woman. If same-sex marriage was allowed, then how would they have kids?? And even if they adopted a kid or through some other way, who would be the mom and who would be the dad if the parents were of the same sex?? This totally goes against God's rules!!! >:O I also think that by overturning California's VOTER-APPROVED ban, the judge was not respecting the rights of the voters. Since the majority voted to ban same-sex marriages, then I believe that the judge shouldn't impose his own beliefs upon the people.
This event is important because whichever way it's decided, it will affect many people. If the case is decided in favor of same-sex couples, not only will it affect them, it will also affect the minds of ALL of us, including the generations still to come. If those younger generations were educated from a young age that marriage between the same sexes was okay, then imagine what we would see at school!! Girls going out with girls and guys going out with guys!!! :o But if the case was decided against same-sex couples and gay marriage, many would say that it was taking away the RIGHT TO CHOOSE from these couples. These couples believe that the have the right to choose who they want to marry and of which sex. So whatever is decided in the end, the result will have a huge impact on all of us and create much controversy.
yikes man... O__o
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Woman victim of house invasion saved by her toes!
So a burglar broke into a womans house at midnight and tied her to her bed. She got help by getting her computer with her feet and typing a message to her boyfriend who then called the police!
So a burglar broke into a womans house at midnight and tied her to her bed. She got help by getting her computer with her feet and typing a message to her boyfriend who then called the police!
Week 8
Obama confirms plan for US troops to withdraw from Iraq..
but there is some uncertainty
So everyone knows how the war has been going on in Iraq for the past several years. Now, Obama confirms this plan for the withdrawal of troops, fulfilling his campaign promise to end this war.
However, there is much uncertainty because many people worry that if the Americans leave Iraq, terrorist attacks and more violence will increase in Iraq. There have also been rising fears that the ongoing political uncertainty could hinder the plans for a full US military departure by the end of 2011 since many Iraqis are concerned about the failure to form a government, especially with an inconclusive legislative election in March with the disagreements between the Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish factions on who should be the next prime minister of the country.
Even though there is some uncertainty, Iraq is now a safer country than it was in the former years, especially 2006 and 2007. Now, people go into the streets and don't have the daily worry of being massacred and violently murdered even though security there isn't that great.
I don't think that withdrawing the troops will be a very easy thing for the Iraqis to deal with. Even though many oppose the Americans being in their country, our troops have provided them with security, and there has been less violence. However, if our troops continue to train Iraqis like they are now, I believe that Iraq can be a safer and more secure country.
but there is some uncertainty
So everyone knows how the war has been going on in Iraq for the past several years. Now, Obama confirms this plan for the withdrawal of troops, fulfilling his campaign promise to end this war.
However, there is much uncertainty because many people worry that if the Americans leave Iraq, terrorist attacks and more violence will increase in Iraq. There have also been rising fears that the ongoing political uncertainty could hinder the plans for a full US military departure by the end of 2011 since many Iraqis are concerned about the failure to form a government, especially with an inconclusive legislative election in March with the disagreements between the Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish factions on who should be the next prime minister of the country.
Even though there is some uncertainty, Iraq is now a safer country than it was in the former years, especially 2006 and 2007. Now, people go into the streets and don't have the daily worry of being massacred and violently murdered even though security there isn't that great.
I don't think that withdrawing the troops will be a very easy thing for the Iraqis to deal with. Even though many oppose the Americans being in their country, our troops have provided them with security, and there has been less violence. However, if our troops continue to train Iraqis like they are now, I believe that Iraq can be a safer and more secure country.
Week 8

Hi guys, a current event I found interested in is that almost three quarters of the spilled in the Gulf of Mexico has been cleaned up. However, there are still nearly 53m gallons of oil remain in Gulf waters but it is still a great thing to know that three quarters of the oil have been clean! Thank You! bye~
sorry i type it out....cause something is wrong with my "ctrl C" and "ctrl V" key
Researchers say that if you keep your heart fit, your brain won't age as fast. Research shows that people who aren't fit have older brain. On average, the brain ages by 2 years. Why would u want an old brain?!?! EXERCISE and keep that heart of yours FIT!!!(:
Week 7?? ...or 8...
Assassination attempt or celebration??
"Iran denies reports of attack on President Ahmadinejad"
Apparently, Iran's president was attack on the way to his speech. An explosive device was thrown at his car, and it set off about 100 meters away from the car. However, after all this was posted online, reported, done, and said, all the information was deleted and removed from post. In its place, new information was posted. It claimed that fireworks were set off in celebration and to encourage the president. President Ahmadinejad says that he believes there was an attempt. He also believes that it was an assassination attempt made by Israel.
The answers are currently unknown. However, the president believes that it was thrown by an Israelis. This would mean that whoever it was, was sent by the government of Israel.
What do I think of this event? Why is this important?
I believe that someone did try to assassinate the president of Iran. That person might not have been an Israelis; he could've been Iranian. The person could've had something against what the president was doing, or had something personal against him. He or she could've done it because he/she was told to. Whatever the reason, I believe someone did try to assassinate the president and is now having his or her story covered up.
This is important because a president was almost killed. Presidents are important. They determine what goes on in a country. When a new president is elected, many things change in a country, for each person has different views and ways to go about things. If President Ahmadinejad was killed, someone else would've needed to step up in his place. Many things would then change in Iran. Some changes in one country can affect other countries. What if he decides to attack another country? What if he decides to change policies of immigration? Although these questions are only "what ifs, " there is still that possibility. You never know. Whether the changing of a president is good or not, you also never know. However, its the change that's new. That is why this is important to us.
"Iran denies reports of attack on President Ahmadinejad"
Apparently, Iran's president was attack on the way to his speech. An explosive device was thrown at his car, and it set off about 100 meters away from the car. However, after all this was posted online, reported, done, and said, all the information was deleted and removed from post. In its place, new information was posted. It claimed that fireworks were set off in celebration and to encourage the president. President Ahmadinejad says that he believes there was an attempt. He also believes that it was an assassination attempt made by Israel.
The answers are currently unknown. However, the president believes that it was thrown by an Israelis. This would mean that whoever it was, was sent by the government of Israel.
What do I think of this event? Why is this important?
I believe that someone did try to assassinate the president of Iran. That person might not have been an Israelis; he could've been Iranian. The person could've had something against what the president was doing, or had something personal against him. He or she could've done it because he/she was told to. Whatever the reason, I believe someone did try to assassinate the president and is now having his or her story covered up.
This is important because a president was almost killed. Presidents are important. They determine what goes on in a country. When a new president is elected, many things change in a country, for each person has different views and ways to go about things. If President Ahmadinejad was killed, someone else would've needed to step up in his place. Many things would then change in Iran. Some changes in one country can affect other countries. What if he decides to attack another country? What if he decides to change policies of immigration? Although these questions are only "what ifs, " there is still that possibility. You never know. Whether the changing of a president is good or not, you also never know. However, its the change that's new. That is why this is important to us.
President Ahmadinejad^
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Week 8 Prompt
Summer is winding down guys, so in an effort to celebrate summer lets take it a little easy for the last few weeks. I want you just to blog about a current event, something that can be verified by BBC news, just tell me what you think about the event and why its important. Don't forget, if you didn't give your speech last week you will be giving it this week. See you Friday. Ms. Krissy
Thursday, July 29, 2010
week 6
T^T awww soo saad ;(
The shopping problem
I decided to use this topic because this is one of the major causes for the trillions and trillion dollar debt in America. I think thats a problem because we tend to spend and then we can't pay the money we put on the credit cards. So, the government loses lots of money each year. As debt increases the economy gets worse. We need a way to let people know that they are the ones causing the economic debt.

Week 6
Smoking is bad for health and shouldn't be allowed in public places
I chose this topic because smoking is the cause of many deaths every year, and I find it uncomfortable when I go to some public place and there are people smoking, making the air around them smell like smoke. Smoking has both a negative effect on the smoker and people that are around them.
I chose this topic because smoking is the cause of many deaths every year, and I find it uncomfortable when I go to some public place and there are people smoking, making the air around them smell like smoke. Smoking has both a negative effect on the smoker and people that are around them.
Something Else (:
This is pretty amazing!
pretty cool and touching...
well just read it! lol :D
Week 6
Should religious clothes be banned at school???
For this week's persuasive speech, I decided to pick this topic.
I believe that any religious clothing shouldn't be banned at school.
I read somewhere that a Muslim girl was allowed to wear a burka at school, however, a christian girl was told to remove her chastity symbol. Then, I thought...
"Is this fair?"
Soo... This is why I decided to give my speech on this topic.

For this week's persuasive speech, I decided to pick this topic.
I believe that any religious clothing shouldn't be banned at school.
I read somewhere that a Muslim girl was allowed to wear a burka at school, however, a christian girl was told to remove her chastity symbol. Then, I thought...
"Is this fair?"
Soo... This is why I decided to give my speech on this topic.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

For this speech, I want my topic to be on the issue, "Should Birds be kept in Cages?" This topic is really easy for me to explain because my friend, who is a bird lover, has TONS of bird magazines and articles. Plus I am also an animal lover and I can make my speech sound pretty convincing ;) I am also STRONGLY AGAINST bird caging and wish to share my views with all you peeps out there :D
Monday, July 26, 2010
okay so i was on facebook today and i saw this was for losing fat. i was like hurmmm so i clicked on it and this is the link
it's really intresting...HAHAH PROVE THOSE WEIRD COMMERCIALS WRONG!!! and its easy 2... so if ur trying to diet. DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!!
just watch it and you'll see :D
Week 7 Debate Topics
1. All media ratings should be removed
2. Social media websites should not allow minors access
3. Students should have internet access on campus at all times
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Week 6 Prompt
Hi Guys
Don't forget that you have persuasive speeches to give next week for class. So for your blog, all you have to do is tell me what you want your topic to be and why.
Best of luck! Hope to hear some amazing speeches!
Ms. Krissy
P.S. Debate topics will probably be up Monday
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Terminally Ill patients should have access to experimental drugs
Week 5
I think that Catholic institutions should provide birth control.
By not using a condom, sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, HIV, STDS, or etc. can spread to other people.
If a couple doesn't want any children or more because they are poor then they should use them too.
Besides, most Catholics aren't even obeying the ban. In 2002 there was a study that said about 80% to 90% of Catholics are using a type of birth control. If a lot of them aren't following the ban it's better off allowing all Catholics to use them.
By not using a condom, sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, HIV, STDS, or etc. can spread to other people.
If a couple doesn't want any children or more because they are poor then they should use them too.
Besides, most Catholics aren't even obeying the ban. In 2002 there was a study that said about 80% to 90% of Catholics are using a type of birth control. If a lot of them aren't following the ban it's better off allowing all Catholics to use them.
a question has been in my mind for a wHILE
i mean yea we could but is it effencent? is it okay? should we keep it??? ALL THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED BY YOU PEOPLE!!!

I think that terminally ill patients should NOT have the right to have access to experimental drugs. Since they know that they're going to die sooner or later, then why would they still risk themselves? Yes, maybe if they want to die right away then probably yes. But, for the people who does not want to die right away, they would spend their last moment with their family and friends. This is why i think terminally ill patients should not have the right to have access to experimental drugs!
week 5???
well its week 5 rite now so here's my topic that imma write bout is about how catholic schools should provide birth control.
here are some
it allows irresponsible teenagers a second chance
we already have enough people in the world. why make more?
... that's all i have...
here are some cons
they would lose money,
it allows kids to have sex with the knowledge that they won't have a kid
sex is one of the seven sins so y permote it? i mean its CATHOLIC!!!
and yea...
ummm i'm not gonna post pics cuz its sorta distrubing...
Allow Terminally ill Patients access to experimental days

Terminally Ill patients should have the right to choose whether if or not to
have acces experimental days. They may be terminally ill, but they can still
choose from what they want to or not. Many people Think that it is ok for the
terminally ill patients to be experimented with chemicals because they won't
risk themselves because they are going to die anyways. But they can still choose.
This is why Allowing Terminally Ill Patiens Access to experimental Days is unacceptable.
WEEK 5: Freedom to Choose
Terminally Ill Patients Should Have Access to Experimental Drugs
From cancer to AIDS, terminally ill patients around the world are suffering from these horrible diseases. Scientist attempt to seek a solution to cure these terminal diseases.
While you fall closer to your death, you feel desperate to find an answer. What can you do? Obviously, if something doesn't work, find a new solution. A standard treatment for cancer may have not work on a patient, but a new medication could possibly work. Although, some of these unproven medications have not been put onto terminally ill patients because these drugs must be approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration. So, if the FDA do not approve it, the drug will be illegal to use. But, this is not very effective, so I
think we should change the status quo and let terminally ill patients have access. It's their choice if they want to try out something. If the patient were to die using the drug, they would die anyways. Scientist theoretically found the solution in laboratories, but they haven't tested it in real life. Also, they study the possible outcomes and would have an idea what would happen. But, the law and the FDA should restrict terminally ill patients from their choice whether they wanted to risk it. People have the right to choose if they want to try the new drug. In the long run, if the new experimental doesn't work, then they would die imminently. But, if the potentially effective drug were to work, the patient made the best decision to find a new solution to his terminally ill disease. I would like to propose that we would allow terminally ill patients to take experimental drugs of their choice.
Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables D:
At school, everyone learns about the food pyramid. We should all have plenty of fruits and vegetables to help us balance our diet. However, it has now been found that there are many pesticides used in fruits and vegetables (some contain traces of over 10 different types of pesticides!). Scientific studies have also shown that pesticides in fruits and vegetables may cause ADHD!
Week 5
Terminally Ill Patients Should Have Access To Experimental Drugs

America. The land of the free? We have the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, press.. what happened to the right to try to save one's life?
What if you had a fatal disease and were dying? Every second you became weaker, experience more pain, and lose control of more of your body? There aren't any approved drug or any other treatment that could possibly save your life. Would you rather face a painful death, or try new treatments? If you were facing a life/death situation, it wouldn't be very difficult to choose to experiment. If the new drug works, you live. If it doesn't work, you meet your already determined fate, death. Why not try something if there's a chance of saving your life? It would be worse to not experiment while you can-don't regret anything.
Why shouldn't patients be allowed to choose if they try an experimental drug or not? We have the right to life, yet we can't choose what happens to our bodies? Everyone should have the right to try to save their own life, even if it means trying a drug that hasn't been tested sufficiently yet. There can't be a negative outcome, because even if the drug fails to work and the patient dies, the death was inevitable anyways, and the person could die knowing that he or she did everything possible. Scientists would also know that the drug wasn't effective and could think of new ideas for more drugs that could work. Terminally ill patients should have access to experimental drugs.
America. The land of the free? We have the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, press.. what happened to the right to try to save one's life?
What if you had a fatal disease and were dying? Every second you became weaker, experience more pain, and lose control of more of your body? There aren't any approved drug or any other treatment that could possibly save your life. Would you rather face a painful death, or try new treatments? If you were facing a life/death situation, it wouldn't be very difficult to choose to experiment. If the new drug works, you live. If it doesn't work, you meet your already determined fate, death. Why not try something if there's a chance of saving your life? It would be worse to not experiment while you can-don't regret anything.
Why shouldn't patients be allowed to choose if they try an experimental drug or not? We have the right to life, yet we can't choose what happens to our bodies? Everyone should have the right to try to save their own life, even if it means trying a drug that hasn't been tested sufficiently yet. There can't be a negative outcome, because even if the drug fails to work and the patient dies, the death was inevitable anyways, and the person could die knowing that he or she did everything possible. Scientists would also know that the drug wasn't effective and could think of new ideas for more drugs that could work. Terminally ill patients should have access to experimental drugs.
week 5 :]

Patients SHOULD be allowed to refuse treatments on the basis of religion.
1. It's THEIR BODY. They should have the right to chose what should be done with it.
2. If a patient wasn't allowed to refuse treatments on the basis of religion then that would be a VIOLATION of the first amendment.
3. Government shouldn't interfere with religion
Week 5
Catholic institutions should NOT be required to provide birth control.
First of all, Catholic Institutions have always been against birth control. In 1968, Pope Paul VI pointed out that for 2,000 years, the church has been against birth control. Drastic changes weren't called for and cannot be accepted. Sex isn't for pleasure, it is for creating a family. If sex wasn't for creating a family, then it would be for pleasure without responsibility. Men would see women as an object of pleasure. This would lead to increasing numbers of rape, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. God created sex to create children, not just pleasure. Birth control isn't for creating a family; birth control is for people who do sex for pleasure. If Catholic Institutions allowed birth control, they would be encouraging sex for pleasure. This is why Catholic Institutions are against birth control. No one can FORCE them to do something they are against.
Secondly, Catholic Institutions view having birth control as a sin. An example of how birth control is a sin is found in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. A man, named Onan, slept with a woman and purposely avoided getting her pregnant. He knew that the children would not rightfully be his; therefore, he pulled away. The Lord saw this as wrong and so Onan was killed for his sin. If birth control was seen as sin, then why should Catholic Institutions be required to do something they think is wrong? Why should they be FORCED to commit sin?
These both tie into a bigger category. They have the right to choose. Choice means the liberty or right to choose; option. Required means needed; demanded as essential or obligatory. They shouldn't be required to do something when they have the right to choose whether or not they want to do it.
First of all, Catholic Institutions have always been against birth control. In 1968, Pope Paul VI pointed out that for 2,000 years, the church has been against birth control. Drastic changes weren't called for and cannot be accepted. Sex isn't for pleasure, it is for creating a family. If sex wasn't for creating a family, then it would be for pleasure without responsibility. Men would see women as an object of pleasure. This would lead to increasing numbers of rape, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. God created sex to create children, not just pleasure. Birth control isn't for creating a family; birth control is for people who do sex for pleasure. If Catholic Institutions allowed birth control, they would be encouraging sex for pleasure. This is why Catholic Institutions are against birth control. No one can FORCE them to do something they are against.
Secondly, Catholic Institutions view having birth control as a sin. An example of how birth control is a sin is found in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. A man, named Onan, slept with a woman and purposely avoided getting her pregnant. He knew that the children would not rightfully be his; therefore, he pulled away. The Lord saw this as wrong and so Onan was killed for his sin. If birth control was seen as sin, then why should Catholic Institutions be required to do something they think is wrong? Why should they be FORCED to commit sin?
These both tie into a bigger category. They have the right to choose. Choice means the liberty or right to choose; option. Required means needed; demanded as essential or obligatory. They shouldn't be required to do something when they have the right to choose whether or not they want to do it.
Monday, July 19, 2010
what i think about "Patients should not be allowed to refuse treatments on the basis of religion"

ok so my opinion on this topic is that patients SHOULD BE ALLOWED to refuse treatment on the basis of religion because everyone has the RIGHT TO CHOOSE what they want to do with their life. There may be limited choices at times but there is ALWAYS a choice. If a patient WANTED to be treated then that's a completely different matter. But what if a patient didn't want to be treated because it meant that he/she would be going back on his/her faith? Then I believe that that patient should be given the right to make a decision for his/herself. No one should be FORCED to accept treatments. People should be able to decide what happens to their own body, unless it's a unique situation like if that patient has mental problems or is the only parent of several children...etc. Otherwise, I believe that all patients have the right to refuse medical treatment on religious grounds.
All three of these topics are tied to one BIG topic, THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE. It shouldn't be required for these Catholic institutions to provide birth control or for these patients to not be allowed to refuse treatment. All these things should be voluntary not mandatory.
Week 5 Prompt
Hi Guys!
Everyone who was in class on Friday should already have this weeks prompt. You are to blog about one of the 3 topics that I posted on the board on Friday.
-Terminally ill patients should have access to experimental drugs.
-Patients should not be allowed to refuse treatments on the basis of religion.
-Catholic institutions should be required to provide birth control.
Good luck!
Ms. Krissy
Thursday, July 15, 2010
week four...awww
well because my lack of information that i'm to lazy to obtain, my post will be SHORT today.
Palestinians in Israel
well i think that the Israel's are buttheads that barge in other's territories like the Americans did with the Indians.
but that's unrelated with the topic.
the Palestinian vs Israels
first i would like to explain the cruel things the Israel's have been doing to the Palestinians.
the Palestinins were there first in the country. but since the government felt sorry for the Jews(Israels) for Hitler(THANKS A LOT HITLER!) so they gave the jews land in the palestinins territory. since then, the jews have been pushing their lands and cornering the Palestinians.
how here are some pics :D

Basque in Spain
The homeland of the Basques are known by Basque nationalists as Euzkadi. There were about 3 million people lived in this area in the late 1980s. Approximately 300,000 people were on the French side of the border, while the remaining 2.7 million people were concentrated primarily in the two Spanish coastal provinces of Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya. The Basques are among the oldest peoples of Europe. ETA(Euskadi ta Askatasuna), one of the Western Europe's last terrorist groups conducts terrorist attacks to win independe
nce for a Basque state in northern Spain and south western France. Euskadi ta Askatasuna means "Basque Fatherland and Liberty" in the Basque language which the group was formed in 1959. Its founders foused on General Francisco Franco's suppression of the Basque language and culture.In 2003, the Spanish Supreme Court banned the Batasuna political party, which was considered the political arm of ETA, and successive efforts by Spanish governments to negotiate with ETA have failed.

Week 4 prompt

If someone ask you randomly about what current news is in the middle east. What will the first thing be that pops in your mind? Probably the conflict between the Palistinians and the Isrealis. The two sides has been in conflict for many years just to gain the right to own a piece of land. They have been fighting recently trying to gain the GAZA STRIP and it wasn't a pretty scene, people have been bombing each other. I wonder when will this feud between the two sides end?
Well I think that this fight will never end until one side gives up, which is nearly impossible.
Does Gravity Really Exist??
I found this article and it really caught my eye because we all accept what we are taught in school, including universal ideas and laws such as the laws of gravity. Apparently, some scientist at the University of Amsterdam argues this idea, saying that gravity doesn't exist. Here's the link!:
Shamanism was the dominant religion of the Tibetans before Buddhism was introduced in the 7th century. Political power within Tibet is held by the Dalai Lama or "monk filled with wisdom". The conflict between Tibet and China has been going on since the 18th century when China decided that they wanted control over Tibet. Thus, started the Tibetans' struggle for their independence. In 1951, the Tibetan government conceded to the Chinese and gave up their independence when Qamdo was invaded by Communist troops. In 1956, when a committee was established to plan for Tibet's constitution as an autonomous region of China, angry ethnic Tibetans started a rebellion against the Chinese in Sichuan province. The rebellion turned into a revolt that lasted for 10 years. Under the Chinese government, Tibetans were introduced to new policies by which Tibetan culture, language, and natural resources are being systematically and irrevocably eroded. The protests in Tibet result from resentment of decades of state repression of Tibetan Buddhism and the migration of Chinese onto the Tibetan Plateau. Many people were killed during a parade on March 14 of 2008 (my birthday, what a coincidence ;( ). Talks are still being held between the 2 parties but there has been a lack of result and momentum. Many other countries have held meetings with the Dalai Lama and all hope for a peaceful and enduring solution.
In my opinion, the Chinese government should not have invaded Tibet. Tibetans have their own culture and policies and so do the Chinese. THEY DON'T MIX!!! I believe the best solution to this problem right now would be for the Chinese government to hold a talk with the Dalai Lama in PERSON since all the Dalai Lama seeks is a peaceful solution and not violence. Hopefully a compromise can be reached before more people lose their lives in this conflict. Like I said, I believe there is a solution but it may be hard to find because it needs to satisfy both parties.
Week 4
Palestinians in Israel

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an ongoing one between Israelis and Palestinians. It is part of the larger Arab-Israeli conflict in which Arabs of the Middle East and the Jewish of Israel fight over territory they each claim for itself. This conflict is over mutual recognition (between the Palestinians and the Israelites), security, water rights, and control of Jerusalem (especially between the Jewish and Muslim communities). The dispute is so severe that violence resulting from it has caused an awareness and intervention at the international level, and security and human rights concerns (within and between both sides, and internationally).
Parts of Palestine are within Israel, so this makes the conflict especially difficult to solve. Many attempts have been made to settle the dispute, and the solution that is preferred most by both the Israelis and Palestinians is the two-state solution which would create an independent Palestinian state alongside an independent Jewish state or next to the State of Israel.
To settle this conflict will not be easy to do. The Israeli political leaders have suggested several solutions and offers, but they were all rejected by the Palestinian leaders, who haven't made any counter-offers. It is hard to come up with a solution when only party in the conflict is trying to come up with solutions. I don't think that there will be a solution to the problem, at least in the near future.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an ongoing one between Israelis and Palestinians. It is part of the larger Arab-Israeli conflict in which Arabs of the Middle East and the Jewish of Israel fight over territory they each claim for itself. This conflict is over mutual recognition (between the Palestinians and the Israelites), security, water rights, and control of Jerusalem (especially between the Jewish and Muslim communities). The dispute is so severe that violence resulting from it has caused an awareness and intervention at the international level, and security and human rights concerns (within and between both sides, and internationally).
Parts of Palestine are within Israel, so this makes the conflict especially difficult to solve. Many attempts have been made to settle the dispute, and the solution that is preferred most by both the Israelis and Palestinians is the two-state solution which would create an independent Palestinian state alongside an independent Jewish state or next to the State of Israel.
To settle this conflict will not be easy to do. The Israeli political leaders have suggested several solutions and offers, but they were all rejected by the Palestinian leaders, who haven't made any counter-offers. It is hard to come up with a solution when only party in the conflict is trying to come up with solutions. I don't think that there will be a solution to the problem, at least in the near future.
Week 4 :]

Palestinians in Israel
What is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a dispute that started during the late 19th century and still goes on to this very day. It is over not only borders, but water, security, land, and mutual recognition as well.
More on the conflict:
My opinion.
This conflict sucks and needs to end along with the religious hatred. It has resulted in too much violence and is very costly.
Could this problem be possibly solved by having a self-reliant Jewish state could be made alongside an independent Palestinian state? Maybe.
But can true peace REALLLY be achieved?
No progress has been made these past years on compromises.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Week 4
During Dictator General Franco's regime (1939-1975), expressions of Basque national identity were banned. In 1959, a Basque separatist movement emerged called Euskadi Ta Aaskatasuna, or ETA. In 1968, a faction emerged parallel to the separatist movement called ETA-Militar, or ETA-M. This group resorted to an armed struggle for independence. They mainly target national and regional officials and government buildings.
Throughout the years, many suspected ETA members were arrested and/or killed. Although there were many talks of peace settlements, etc, none took place; therefore, the conflict goes on.
Even to this day, ETA movements can be seen in Europe. Recently, in France, a policeman was shot and killed near Paris; this was the first French police officer killed by ETA. Ten ETA members are suspected. Last Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkosy promised to hunt down the group of suspected militants of ETA. He warned that they "will be mercilessly pursued."
I believe that it wasn't right for Dictator Franco to have banned expressions of the Basques. He was just inviting trouble to come. In fact, it did. Because of him, now there are major ETA versus Europe problems. However, I did not think it was right for ETA to come back with ETA-Militar and make war; they made the problem worse by adding violence to the boiling pot. There can be a solution to this problem, although, anything thought of would be hard to put into place if both sides didn't cooperate. They would have to be ready for a compromise or negotiation. They are both scared of the other group in a way because of what they can each do to the other. In that sense, a compromise or negotiation would be hard. However, it is not
The Basques are the oldest ethnic group in Europe. Their homeland is known as Euzkadi. They live in northern Spain along the Bay of Biscay, adjacent areas of southern France, and the western Pyrennes Mountains. Their culture is traditional and rural. This creates a conflict with the modern and urban Spanish culture that's associated with industrialization. The main conflict is that the Basques want independence from Spain.
During Dictator General Franco's regime (1939-1975), expressions of Basque national identity were banned. In 1959, a Basque separatist movement emerged called Euskadi Ta Aaskatasuna, or ETA. In 1968, a faction emerged parallel to the separatist movement called ETA-Militar, or ETA-M. This group resorted to an armed struggle for independence. They mainly target national and regional officials and government buildings.
Throughout the years, many suspected ETA members were arrested and/or killed. Although there were many talks of peace settlements, etc, none took place; therefore, the conflict goes on.
Even to this day, ETA movements can be seen in Europe. Recently, in France, a policeman was shot and killed near Paris; this was the first French police officer killed by ETA. Ten ETA members are suspected. Last Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkosy promised to hunt down the group of suspected militants of ETA. He warned that they "will be mercilessly pursued."
I believe that it wasn't right for Dictator Franco to have banned expressions of the Basques. He was just inviting trouble to come. In fact, it did. Because of him, now there are major ETA versus Europe problems. However, I did not think it was right for ETA to come back with ETA-Militar and make war; they made the problem worse by adding violence to the boiling pot. There can be a solution to this problem, although, anything thought of would be hard to put into place if both sides didn't cooperate. They would have to be ready for a compromise or negotiation. They are both scared of the other group in a way because of what they can each do to the other. In that sense, a compromise or negotiation would be hard. However, it is not
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Prompt Week 4
Hi Guys!
Hope everyone is going to enjoy the All Star Baseball Game today :)
Anyhow... its that time of the week. Here is your prompt. Your motions will come from these topics so you might want to just get a refresher on all of them.
For this weeks blog, I want you to research the conflict between the ethnic group and the government in the following places (pick one) and express your opinion about the situation and if you think there is a solution to the problem.
- Palestinians in Israel
-Tibetans in China
-Basque in Spain
Good luck!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Midterm Study Guide
Hi Guys...
Here is a list of things you need to know for your midterm. It is 25 questions. 23 multiple choice and 2 open answer. Feel free to question and comment here to help each other out for people who were here or not here, or to ask me things.
-4 types of communication
-5 types of non verbal communication
-Length of speeches
-Types of things we can debate about
-What type of debate/ why/ where it comes from
-Teams in a debate
-POIs- what? where? when? how?
-Platform speeches and their origin
-Components of a speech- intro body conclusion voice/language delivery
-Lising model of argument and its components
-Various things from the "where is argument" article
Good luck!
Ms. Krissy
Thursday, July 8, 2010
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